So yesterday I had a 3 mi. run scheduled and I usually wake up early and go run before everyone in my house wakes up. Well, I thought I pressed the snooze button, but subsequently turned my alarm off. The next alarm I heard was for my wife to get up for work. My first thought when I see the time is, "Dangit!" So I get up, and help my daughter & wife get off for school. Since I am currently running "daddy day-care," I gear up to watch the Boston Marathon online - which was an awesome experience since I have never watched an entire marathon before. And to add to that, the women's race was rediculously good! Kara Goucher gave her all for the US, but came up just short. As did Ryan Hall on the men's side.
Now that I've really gotten off topic, After the race was over, I just felt kind of wierd. I didn't know if it was because the americans came up short in the race, or if I was getting some of the sickness that was going around my family... But then I realized - I hadn't run that morning! Has it gotten to the point that I go through withdrawals? I am really messed up. (My wife would second that) I guess I have really taken this running thing full fledge. Oh well, I guess there's worse things in this world to be obsessed with. Have fun running and I'll try not to miss any more morning runs.
maybe I need to keep my alarm further from the bed :)