Been a crazy tough few weeks. First I got sick. Flu symptoms and a late night visit with the porcelain throne. Then as I was starting to get over the sickness, the straw broke the camel's back. Literally. I was bending over checking something on the computer (probably dailymile :P), and I felt a twinge in my low back.

Slowly over the next hour or so the twinge became a stabbing pain and the back spasms were on. I've been there before. Not my first bout with back pain. I went and got some good Chiropractic adjustments throughout the week and was feeling pretty good by Thursday evening.
Well, it was pretty short lived before disaster came calling. Friday morning, I try to boot up the computer and get nothing but a flashing question mark. Hard drive D.O.A. So off to the Apple store I went to get the hard drive replaced so the fam and I would be able to communicate with the digital world. Of course, this couldn't have happened 9 months ago when we still had a warranty. While I was driving to the store, it happened. I sneezed.

When your back is on the mend, if you don't bend your knees during a sneeze, it's bad bad news. And this time it was extra super bad news. The sneeze sent my back into a place 3x worse than the week before. The only time it didn't hurt was when I was standing up straight. So I suffered through the weekend to and made it back to my Chiropractor on Monday. It was really tough. Then on Wednesday, I started a "trigger point" treatment and it has helped tremendously. I found out almost the whole left side of my low back was in muscle spasm. I was literally walking crooked. Still not fully healed today, but getting better every day. I will definitely try to sneeze safely...
So through all this, I've come to the conclusion that this suffering was necessary for my body and mind. If I can go through two weeks of chasing around my 3 kiddos when I can barely tie my shoes, I can pretty much take on anything. I think it has also helped me realize that when things get a little tough and I'm feeling sorry for myself, I can look back on this time when I persevered through pain to take care of my business.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)
Off to have fun at a swim party today and looking forward to getting on the bike soon. Hopefully the running shoes will be able to come out of hiding sooner than later. Run with gusto friends! :)