Haven't posted much here lately. I've been posting all my daily running stuff over on dailymile.com. That place has gotten addicting. I had signed up for the site a while back, but hadn't been using it much. Then after my 1st marathon adventure, I was so tired, I "washed" my ipod - which I had been using to log all of my miles through Nike+. So I jumped into dailymile for a new way to log my miles. Then, the DM team was introduced. I was already "friends" with a few of them, but I went ahead and "friended" the whole team. My friend count doubled overnight, and I had a whole slew of people out there to cheer me on. It's really funny when you're e-mail inbox blows up with DM comments after you post a workout. And It's quite refreshing to know people are out there doing the same things as me. Especially when most non-runners you meet ask you which 5K marathon you're running next. So kudos to dailymile and if you are looking for some motivation to start running, or keep running, or get into triathlons, just head on over to dailymile.com, friend me up and get going!

Also, my DM friend Allie is giving away a RoadID band on her blog. Click on over and check it out.