“When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:18-19
Thanks for reading everybody! Just remember I'm running this marathon for more than just me. Children out there need a clean source of water and you can help. :)
This week was a bit nutty. The wifey was busy getting ready for back to school and I was busy making sure the kids were out of her hair. Felt pretty good during my mid-week runs and had planned on getting up early on Saturday to get the 9 miler in. Well, whether it was just me not waking up after I turned the alarm off or just divine intervention, I didn't get up in time. I was kind of bummed, but I had a fun time with the kids on Saturday, and it allowed me to prepare for a date with my wife (haven't had enough of these lately). My training plan allows for me to switch my long run between Saturday or Sunday, so no problem. I ran long on Sunday...
My runs for the week:

Tue: 3 miles
Wed: 5 miles
Thur: 3 miles
Sunday: 9 miles (longest run so far)
20 total miles for the week.
During my 9 miler, I found myself enjoying the first half, but feeling a little tired. Then when my ipod said, "halfway point, 4.5 miles to go," I thought to myself, "If I'm going to have a hard time with 9 miles, how in the world am I going to run a full marathon?" I just kept running. Sometimes that's all you can do. Then a thought then occurred, "Hey, Will Ferrell has run a few marathons. If THAT GUY can run a marathon, I can do it! More Cowbell!" So with my new "mantra" clanging in my head, I finished the 9 miles and I have to say I could have kept going. I can feel it now. I know I will finish. I just need more cowbell...