He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
So week 1 was a success. I plan on doing a weekly update on my training as though not to bore my (2?) readers with running details. And maybe that way I can come up with some witty anecdotes to include so as to keep those 2 "fans." (thanks bro & sweetie!) Enjoy.
In 4 days of runing, I covered 19 miles. Quick thanks to Mother Nature for providing temps under 80 for my runs this week - hope that becomes a trend. Here's how it shook out:
Tue: 3 mile run
Wed: 5 mile run (at race pace)
Thu: 3 mile run
Sat: 8 mile run
I have to say earlier in the week, I was feeling a little bit unmotivated. Not really sure why - maybe just a little bit nervous about the reality facing me. But this morning was great. Hopped right out of bed & headed out ready to take on 8 miles. For some reason the long runs seem a little more fun than the shorter ones - crazy right? I think it's just the build-up during the week. I tend to equate it with preparing for a football game. You have your Monday through Thursday routine, then rest on Friday for the big "game" on Saturday. There's just something about finishing up that long run and (for me right now) knowing it was the furthest distance I've run at one time. The sense of accomplishment is awesome and my body and soul just feels good post-run.
See ya next week. Oh, and I hope ya like my new cheezy grin pic...

What charity is this supporting?
ReplyDeleteThe charity I'm raising funds for is World Vision ( www.worldvision.org ). You can see my fundraising page by clicking on the "sponsor me" link in the post, or click donate on the firstgiving widget on the side of the page.